Coding Stephan

Create Outlook category for everyone

Did you know you can categorize items in your Outlook calendar to give them a different color (in most official Outlook clients)? You can help your users by pre-configuring some default categories. You can also create categories for your users if you have some automation to create items in their calendar by some automated way.

Using Graph PowerShell

These scripts use the new Graph PowerShell Modules, if you don’t have them already, be sure to install them prior to using any of these scripts.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser 
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups -Scope CurrentUser

Create category for single user

Use this script to create some category for a single user. We will use this to test it out, and build from there.

The color is set with a preset between 1 and 20 (I believe), and I cannot find the list at the moment.

# Change accordingly
$tenantId = "21009bcd-06df-4cdf-b114-e6a326ef3368";
# you can use either the user ID or the UPN.
$userId = "613f5b2e-4360-4665-956b-ffeaa0f3014b";

# Connect to Graph with correct scopes
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $tenantId -Scopes "MailboxSettings.ReadWrite"

$category = @{
	DisplayName = "Schedule"
	Color = "preset9"

New-MgUserOutlookMasterCategory -UserId $userId -BodyParameter $category;

Create category for all users in a group

This script will create this new category for all users in a certain group, but that might result in duplicates. Use careful.

# Change accordingly
$tenantId = "21009bcd-06df-4cdf-b114-e6a326ef3368";
$groupId = "613f5b2e-4360-4665-956b-ffeaa0f3014b";

# Connect to Graph with correct scopes
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $tenantId -Scopes "MailboxSettings.ReadWrite","GroupMember.Read.All"

$category = @{
	DisplayName = "Schedule"
	Color = "preset9"

$members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupId;

foreach ($member in $members) {
  New-MgUserOutlookMasterCategory -UserId $member.Id -BodyParameter $category -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;

Series: MSGraph PowerShell