Coding Stephan

An introduction to

Developers and admins love to open apps using their keyboard, with all kinds of shortcuts. Merill Fernando made something really usefull called Continue reading to see what it is and how you can use it yourself. screenshot

What is is an open-source URL shortner for Microsoft portals. That’s it, thanks for reading.

Just kidding, it is an URL shortner for 164 deeplinks to admin pages. That’s right you can open all those admin portals by learning their shortcode.

It works by typing one of these url’s in the browser and you get redirected to the right portal at it’s long not rememberable url. Either use {shortcode} or{shortcode}

My favorite shortcodes

  • adappreg Entra portal - App registrations
  • adentapp Entra portal - Enterprise applications
  • azfn Azure portal - All function apps

These are my favorites, quick and easy. Check the homepage to see all available links.

Add to Edge

I added to edge, so I can type ms + [TAB] and then the shortcode followed by an [ENTER] to visit my desired portal, in even less keys.

  1. Click profile picture and press manage profile settings or open settings
  2. Click Privacy, site and services in the sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to Services and click Address bar and search
  4. Click Manage search engines
  5. Click the Add button
  6. Fill in the details search engine, shortcut ms and url
  7. Press Add to add it to your search engine collection.

Try it out in a new tab in the address bar.

Add to edge

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